I have always used IE as my default browser. Over a week ago everything froze, the only way out was to cut the power. This happened on several occasions. I tried allsorts to stop it happening and nothing worked. It crossed my mind that it may be IE so I installed firefox. No more freezing but I have noticed things are running slow. As the day gets longer the slower it becomes. Any thoughts from the brains of computing. Please don't go technical on me, I am only a (slow) learner.
Chuck, done a scan with malawarbytes nothing found. My anti virus is with bull guard. I cannot find how i do a full scan with it .In the past I have been with all, Norton ETC ETC bullguard was recomended when I bought this PC.
Start, Run, msconfig. Search the 'net to see what you can disable. Check your startup folder..... Start, All programs.
See what is hogging system resources. Press Ctrl/Alt/Del at the same time to display Task Manager. Select the Processes tab. You can sort by cpu usage and memory.
In situations like this, I have always found that dumping my cache sorts it out.
Erase all your temporary internet files, history and cookies.
Bear in mind however that it means you will have to re-sign in with usernames/passwords to places (like here) where you're probably used to just opening the page.
In Firefox:
Tools (top of the page in the grey bit) --->Clear Recent History --->Clear Now
In Internet Explorer:
Tools --->Internet Options ---> Delete (in "browsing history" making sure Temp Internet Files, Cookies, and History are all ticked) --->Ok
Nb. Make sure you can remember all your usernames and passwords for sites (like this one) because when you go back to them, you will be asked for them.