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Improving TV's sound

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anotheoldgit | 16:54 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
Can one add separate speakers to a TV whose built in speakers are not up to par?

If one can, what type of speakers should one add, and where should they be connected to?


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Does the TV come with sockets for external speakers / sound system ?
You can plug an extension speaker into headphone socket, but you may need to control with TV volume control. Usually wire up a Stereo pair to a stereo minijack ... 2.5mm or 3.5mm, or if it's older TV a mono jack. Split jack to two speakers connected in parallel.
Should work ok.
Use some 2 way car speakers or small 2 way hi fi speakers.
As Above ^, but if a headphone socket is the only option then any computer speakers would also be a good choice.

If you have a fairly new flat screen TV there may be other options though, so, posting the make and model number would help to figure out the options available.
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Chuck, the following web page gives you all the connections when you click and enlarge.

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Improving TV's sound

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