wireless router?????????? in The AnswerBank: Gaming
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wireless router??????????

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ilovemarkb | 18:11 Tue 09th Nov 2010 | Gaming
3 Answers
WHICH WIRELESS ROUTER .....I'm baffled please help!. We have 2 laptops 2 desktops and 3 x- box,s ( 2 of which are in the attic bedroom. dont want to spend more than £90 but extremely confused by the reviews. Was going to get the following


any help would be greatly appreciated thanks julie
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well i think you should get the 'Belkin' one because you have 3 xboxs 2 laptops and 2 laptops so you would be better with something different :)
Sure I answered this elsewhere!

The router in your link is for use with cable broadband, not for ADSL (broadband that comes in on your telephone line)

I also reckon you'll have problems getting any one wireless router to cover that many devices over that many floors.
@ Chuck, as a computer engineer for 14 years I would have agreed with you if it hadn't been for the fact that since moving back from Spain, I've been living in a place with just one wireless router (Plusnet supplied) and I've been amazed to see 4 laptops, 2 desktops, 2 xbox 360's and 3 PS3's all connected and working fine over 3 floors!

I'm not suggesting that all wireless routers will do that but it turns out that something I didn't think possible...is possible.

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wireless router??????????

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