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pc dvd

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riton | 13:27 Fri 18th Mar 2011 | Technology
9 Answers
problem trying to use dvd on laptop,any ideas?


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Not with the information you've given, no.

What problems? what laptop?
Did you forget to take your telepathy pill this morning, Chuck...?
Yep, and on the same day my crystal ball is in for a clean, so there's no hope.
Just replace your motherboard with a ouija board and you'll be fine...
Chuck and Mark ............ I've just used my time-travel App ..............
Apparently I'm going to have a problem with my Hard Drive next tuesday ....... any ideas?
Don't empty your recycle bin until Wednesday morning...
DVD drive not fitted?
Using the toast slot?

; )
Open draw, insert dvd, close draw & wait to load.
<Using the toast slot?>
I thought it was a coffee cup holder!

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pc dvd

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