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thebigchill | 21:53 Fri 22nd Apr 2005 | Travel
4 Answers
Why do we still push our children around in buggies and prams that are the same height or slightly higher than vehicles exhaust pipes/ surely this cant be good for the little uns?


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I am looking for a pram at the moment & this was a big concern of mine. I Have found a Silver Cross model, not the classic ones that we would have been pushed around in, but one that does sit higher than the average buggy. I am seriously considering buying it largely for this reason as I do agree with you that it can't be good for children.

English built cars (is there such a thing!!!) have their exhaust pipes on the right as we drive on the left...Yet your Fords etc have the exhaust on the left even though they are RHD...the idea is to blow the crap out into the middle of the road.....Why do they move the Steering wheel-Clutch, brake and accelerator etc, but NOT the pipe???


totally agree with this question tthe bigchill..but blame the car makers not the buggy makers

The other thing that worries me is the amount of parents who use their pushchair as a weapon. By this I mean the amount who, on arriving at a pedestrian crossing or set of traffic lights, put the front whhels of the chair over the kerb into the road to try and make vehicles stop. Do they realise what they're doing!!?

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