Living abroad
I've been living abroad in Spain for the last (almost) 2 years. Most things are great, I have a house I share with someone, and I have a job that pays decent wages. I have friends. My family are in the UK and my father died 1 1/2 years ago, rest his soul <3 I met a guy that I was seeing for 2 years in Spain, and now recently that has come to an end. I miss my family and my friends too, and I'm constantly romanticising about the UK, (mostly because I'm going home for Christmas) when I know the reality, everyone is still doing the same things.
I dont understand where my head is. I dont understand what I want.
I feel my health is suffering being in a different country. I have not learned Spanish yet, although I know a little it's just that bit more difficult to get the simple things in life sorted, more than it would be in the UK. I dont want to waste my life, and like the idea of studying and having opportunities... I dont have very many opportunities here, although I can travel further...
My mother thinks I made one of the best decisions ever being out here, she's super happy for me, and tells me there is nothing to come home for...
Im also getting older, still young but old enough to know better haha, but that's the problem, I dont know better... I find myself wanting a family (i think that's something to do with my age)
I dont know what the point of this post is... Just putting it out there...
I just feel like I have stuff to organise and I dont know if I have the strength and organisation to do it all. :)
There are good things about where i live. The weather. Good Job. Nice friends. Nice apartment. Opportunities to travel further and enough free time to do so. Healthier lifestyle. Suppose I need to get my head stuck into a spanish book for the duration....