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Jordyboy9 | 11:08 Mon 18th Feb 2019 | Travel
105 Answers
I often wonder about people with young children especially babies and toddlers taken them abroad to places like Cyprus and Crete or turkey in the months of June,July,and August,the temperatures in those countries then are in the 80s,highly irresponsible in my opinion,a holiday in Britain would be much more suitable were the temperature is reasonable,would be better if they waited till the children were older.


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I think when they are really little, they would enjoy a bucket and spade on a beach in Cornwall or Devon just as much as a beach in hotter climes. I know I did. It's the parents who want the holiday, not the kids.
12:43 Mon 18th Feb 2019
New research shows that some babies are being exposed to the sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays in the first six months of life, when their skin is most vulnerable. ... There is strong evidence that sun exposure and sunburns during childhood multiply the risk of one day developing skin cancer, including melanoma.
Just a thought!
There I was, thinking Jordy was only talking about taking kids to hot climates...NOT about children on aircraft...or children on holiday...or the age of children...
Maybe I got it wrong?
That will make spicerack happy...he seems to have it in for me.
But surely they'd be sun blocked and wear suitable clothing.
I’ve taken mine from a young age. Never a problem for me or anyone else.
You don't have to take children abroad to put them in danger of sunburn/sunstroke. It happens in this country every summer. Ask anyone who works in A&E. would think so wouldn't you............but do they?
The argument about the sun is silly. Keep them in the shade, or covered, just as you would do in this country in the summer... well, anyone with any sense would.
//In my experience most kids just go to sleep after takeoff//
I had a particular horrible experience flying back from LV where none of the children in premier economy went to sleep and took it in turns to run around the plane or swap seats and kick the back of my seat for 10 hours!!!
I don't know, Sqad, I would hope so. My boys don't burn but I still sun blocked them. I know sun block is not 100% reliable because they both went brown even wearing factor 50.
"took it in turns to run around the plane or swap seats and kick the back of my seat for 10 hours!!!"

If they were kickign your seat i would have informed 1, the adult they were with after informing the child to stop, i'd then inform the flight atendant and the issue would be resolved.

Worst case senareo shout at the kids adult and it will make the kid feel bad.

Regarding the runnign about, that's actually find it's encouraged on a plane to have a stroll up and down the cabin but if they were being a nuisance, then the flight attendant should have escorted them to their seats, turned the seatbelt sign on or informed the pilot of inappropriate activities in the cabin. I'm sure athletics is banned on aircrafts.

I had a child kicking my seat once.. Told them to stop they didn't, told him mum she needed to sort her kid out and just the act of me talking to his mum made him stop.
why shouldn't they go ? as long as the parents are mindful regarding the heat/sun...
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Naomi to where when and how young where they? I was talking about Cyprus,Crete, and Turkey,in June July and August,when temperatures are in the 80s,babies and toddlers from the United Kingdom ,never mentioned anything about babies on planes.
Children and babies can be a nuisance on a plane or any holiday, but so can drunken adults. What do you do, stay at home?
Never had a problem with children on flights.

I like children so watching them walking up and down the aisle I would find quite cute. I don't even mind children crying.
it can be as hot here during these months !
Jordy, all sorts of places including Turkey, Africa, and the Middle East.
Spath, do you honestly think I didn't A/ speak to the parents, B/ speak to the flight attendant and C/ speak to the kids.
The flight was full and the attendant had no where to move us too, the parents didn't care as they were not being bothered by the little darlings and the children totally ignored me.
Yes, Murray, but you have to choice to stay in. You can't really do that on holiday.
...and what happens when we pasty UK folks get heatwaves, we deal with it, or should, hot weather in itself should not be an issue.
Cali.....Jordy's post deals with the health of BABIES and children exposed to holiday sun, a very interesting topic.
Nothing to do with "pasty UK folks."

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