nothing to do with the licencing authorities per-se, but everything to do with the rental companie's insurance rules. the following is from Alamo's terms & conditions, but most of the rental chains have similar requirements:-
If a renter/driver does not meet the applicable rental requirements, including the guidelines for driver's licenses and driving records, they may be denied a rental. Alamo is not responsible for the failure of any renter/driver to qualify for a rental under these requirements or guidelines.
Rental privileges are denied if a driver's license is suspended or his/her record includes, but is not limited to, one of the following:
* One or more convictions for reckless driving within the past 36 months.
* DWI/DWAI/DUI within the past 36 months.
* Three or more moving violations within the past 24 months.
* No valid License.
* Two or more accidents within the past 24 months.
* Fail to report/leave scene of accident within past 36 months.
* Operate without a license within past 36 months.
* Possession of stolen vehicle or use in crime within past 36 months.