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Euros in Portugal

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gracie.f | 12:44 Wed 19th Jul 2006 | Travel
6 Answers
Can anybody advise me on taking monies ie. cash, cedit/debit cards etc.for a 2 week holiday in Portugal for a family of 4, its the first time for about 25 years (as a family man). I remember taking travellers cheques before , thanks in advance.


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hiya i wnt on holiday to portugal with my family last year and i took mostly euros there but i also took my credit card just in case i needed extra support on my holiday.
in Europe, I usually take enough cash for incidentals ie coffee or beer on arrival, bus fare, taxi, etc, then get whatever else I need from ATM with debit card.
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thanks M.C & mushroom for your replies, yes I think a little cash + an ATM card sounds good for me!
some euros is handy, the atm machines always charge a small fee, you could also take some sterling and you may find a crafty english owned bar that will give you a better exchange rate than the actual money exchanges. we do that all the time.
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Thanks Tom I'll be giving the bars a try for sure, probably leave more money behind it than in my pocket, cheers!
you are most welcome gracie , and if you need any more advice regarding portugal i will be more than willing to help. obrigardo.

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Euros in Portugal

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