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South Wimbledon to Archway

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sssg4 | 12:53 Sat 16th Sep 2006 | Travel
4 Answers

I start a new job in Archway on Monday. There are three possible routes-all of which are time consuming but which will be the quickest?

Option 1: Northern Line all the way

Option 2: Walk to Wimbledon, catch overland to Waterloo and Northern Line the rest of the way

Option 3: Northern Line to Stockwell, Victoria Line to Euston, Northern Line to Archway

Please help!



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Here are my thoughts...

Option 2
Unless you live on the doorstep of Wimbledon station, I wouldn't go for this. You'll be getting on the train when it's already really busy, so probably won't get a seat. Also the trains from wimbledon arrive at waterloo on platforms 1-5ish, so you're right at the wrong end of the station for the tube. Given how busy waterloo will be be, I reckon you'll take 15mins to change onto the northern line.

Option 1
I think this would be quickest. The northern line is grotty, but if you time it right, you can get a train that goes straight to Archway with no changes. Because you board the train near Morden, you'll get a seat. At two minutes a stop this will be about 40-45 mins.

Option 2
Maybe a good alternative if the fist Northern line line train doesn't go to Archway. The change from Northern to Victoria at Stockwell is easy (the platforms are next to each other). If you choose this - don't change at Euston, try and change at Warren Street. I'm pretty sure it's a much quicker change.

There is another option - you can get a train from Wimbledon that's goes to Luton and stops at Kentish Town. Then it's two stops on the tube.
Another possibility - get the train from Wimbledon, but get off at Vauxhall (most trains to Waterloo stop there) and get the Victoria line. But again a long walk to the tube platforms. I guess it all depends on how long your walk is to Wimbledon or South Wimbledon.
get a job in wimbledon,its easier
enter your home & work postcodes into P_REQUEST2?language=en and it will find your quickest route.

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