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USA visa

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madzx6rrider | 02:33 Sat 11th Nov 2006 | Travel
3 Answers
i am going to USA New York next year but have been told i can not go on the visa wavier system because i have a driving without due care and attention conviction, do i need to apply for a travell visa...


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Strictly speaking what you say is correct, nevertheless I do not believe that your offence constitues "moral torpitude", which is what you'd have to own up to not to be able to use a waiver. But if you're not going for several months, you still have time to apply & that will eliminate the potential for problems. If you search through this site, there is much useful information in previous questions/answers on how to apply, what to do, etc....

...maybe someone will interject?
Many people enter the USA on the Visa Waiver Program who are not strictly entitled to do so. The US authorities have no direct access to UK judicial records. (Obviously, some information is passed to the US authorities but this would only relate to offences far more serious than yours).

However, it might still be best to do everything 'by the book'. You should be warned, though, that he process takes at least 5 months, during much of which time your passport will be held at the US Embassy in London (effectively prohibiting any international travel during that period).

Full details of the long-winded application process are given in my post, here: 289769.html

The trouble is that when you ask a question like this, you'll get a parade of people who suggest you 'be safe' and get a visa. Many times, you do not need one. As Buenchico says getting a visa wil take months, and will certainly cost you over �100.

Look. The question is does driving without due care and attention, mean you cannot enter the US on the visa waiver scheme? Logic would tell me no, because moral turpitude would seem to have some anti-social intent, and potentially get you locked up for a year or more.

But you'll find the US State Dept Visa manual linked hereabouts, so look for it.

Don't be panicked into getting a visa, just because people here suggest 'it'll be safer' that way...

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