Trains run regularly from Manchester Victoria to Ashton Station, journey takes about 10 mins. Would be a bit of a walk from there though as CA is a bit out.
If you check this map you can see CA (red circle) and the station... public&X=392500&Y=399500&width=700&height=400& gride=392732&gridn=399714&srec=0&coordsys=gb&d b=pc&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=OL79HG&advanced=& local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype= &keepicon=true&zm=0&scale=10000&right.x=6&righ t.y=143
You can get train times here...
Just make sure you put Manchester Victoria in as it can come up with some wierd possibilities otherwise.
Otherwise you can get on the 217 bus (Stop D in Picadilly Gardens - by Natwest) and get off at the Lord/Sheldon Way/Leisure Park stop (where Rayner Lane is on the above map) then a 10 min walk.
Should take about half an hour as the buses take ages to get up that way compared to the train.
Hope this helps.