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earlier flights

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lindaloo310 | 22:23 Fri 20th Apr 2007 | Travel
3 Answers
If I arrive to the airport early, can I get on an earlier flight on the same carrier, going to the same destination?


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Depends on the type of ticket you have, but with non-budget airlines it's often possible. Indeed I've been offered it without asking.
Same here. Simply ask at ther airline's desk.
Having completed our business earlier than expected, my son and I once spent six hours at Heathrow waiting for our ticketed domestic flight with BMI. I established that there were seats on three of their flights going before ours but their staff were very pointed about not being prepared to let us fly before we were booked to because our tickets were not flexible. They said, yes, they would rather the seats went empty even though there was a chance letting us go early would free our booked seats for willing punters who would then pay full whack because it was such short notice. Don't necessarily expect any difference from other airlines, although one or more may be more accommodating (but I very much doubt it). Their view is almost certainly that if they are not bloody-minded then they will not be able to sell the more expensive tickets - obvious nonsense really. Expressions about nose and face come to mind.

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