Skytrax rates Spanair as a 3-star airline. (For comparison, BA scores 4 stars, easyJet and Thomsonfly get 3 stars, BmiBaby and Ryanair are 2-star rated). For reviews, see here: m
The Bongos flied with Spanair a few years ago. It was the worst flight we've ever had. Rickety old plane, rattling and shaking like an old wooden roller-coaster. Stewardesses nowhere to be found, except when they peered tentatively round the old moth-eaten curtain seperating the gally from the passengers. We'd never been so relieved to land!
I flew withSpanair 3 weeks ago to Denmark, and it was jam packed with very tight seating,and hardly any leg room. It was an Airbus A321 - utter nightmare.