This thread shows up a lot of pent up resentment from both sides of the smoking debate. I have never smoked but my father did - I told him flat out I was angry with him for killing my father. His death later on was smoking related. No-one needs to smoke, it is an acquired addiction which is offensive to those who don't smoke. A very substantial percentage of smokers claim to want to stop. Apparently there are now ways to put people off using something that makes them feel distinctly uncomfortable, if not ill, when they smoke. As with Pavlov's dogs the conditioning prevents return to the habit, I believe. I do not feel sorry for any publican going out of business for whatever reason, the risk is one anyone takes in business and publicans have no more right to make a guaranteed living out of their business than, say, coal merchants, milk delivery people, Betamax agents, etc. I tend to support anyone's right to live their lives as they see fit so long as it does not affect me or anyone else in a way they have not deliberately chosen. Smoking is fine so long as the smoker inhales all the smoke and never exhales unless firmly downwind of all non-smokers, not least their family, in a force two or more wind.