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exstending your stay

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NAPOLETANA | 05:10 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Travel
21 Answers
my boyfriend came to visit me in the u.s. and he made his ticket for only 1 month. he has no visa but wants to exstend his stay for another 2 months, how can he do this?


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i have been in a long distance relationship for 1 1/2 now...i know it does not seem long at all but with everything we have went through it feels like an eternity. my b/f does want to get married as much as i do. and as i agree with the fact that marrage is a very big step i feel its the best for us. it won't be too difficult involving our living arrangments. after all in italy newly weds stay with one of the parents because they can't afford to live alone. its not that i want to either get married or split up. his family does not want us together at all. i went to visit him in dec. and they treated me horribly as well as they did him. the took his passport and computer away and treatend to destroy my letters i sent. its a very difficult situation but i love him and he loves me so thats why we are trying to find anyway to be together. he is 23 years old by the way.

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