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dungnguyen | 08:42 Sat 08th Aug 2009 | Travel
21 Answers
the differences between traveling by bus and by car?


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one is bigger than the other.

Buses sometimes have their own lane
you don''t need a ticket to get in my car

bussssses haven''t got a sun roof my car has

if you sit at the back of the bus do you get a longer ride?

you sit next to nutters on the bus, same as in NoK's car.
This could turn into to a very long list!
Top deck.
I never ride on the top deck: there's no driver.
In the bus you can only get off at the stops. In the car you can get off whenever you want to stop (within reason). You have to wait for buses but the car is waiting for you. On the bus there sometimes isnt a seat. The car always has seats.
and bus advantages. You dont have to park it. You can read a book.
you don't have to pay tax and insurance on a bus.

or put fuel in it.

if a bus gets a flat tyre, it's not your problem.

you don't get leather seats and aircon on a bus.

or get to choose the music.
and one last thing, once I get my free bus pass next month I will be travelling more often on the bus!
The old who women who smells of wee in the seat behind you...

...unless you're taking the mother in law out of course...
snags I hope that comment wasnt aimed at me !?
Why... are you my Mother in Law? ;-)
go by train,the easiest and best way.
No, he lives in Chicago. I was referring to line one of your answer!
''snags I hope that comment wasnt aimed at me !?''

lol... no it wasn't... anyway, I thought you were a bloke :-/
I am not a bloke. Funny though I do have a birth certificate saying I am a boy. This was closely followed by the correct girl one when my dad went back and got another!
Have you still got the Boy one... worth a fortune on the black market..
Yes, I still have it, but who would care? As someone famous said the other day, "I will not be writing my life story. Even I am not interested in my own life so why should anyone else be."

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