If he's decided to have a break from studies he know doubt has an idea of what he wants to do. I've known students who've regretted these gap years because all their mates are away in uni. and not around on weekends and when they are around he'll be still in uni. Others got bored looking for work etc.
A gap year is ideal if it's to gain experience in the kind of work you want to do, or go abroad to learn a language or doing humanitarian work etc HTH
Cocinelle he knows what he wants to do. That is graphic design and if a permanent job was available now he would jump at it. But he realises a degree is a good starter. Unfortunately the jobs are not about for anyone and so the idea of a gap year until things improve.
The main problem is his inability to mix with his peers and spends most of his time on the computer at home locked in his bedroom. A gap year may mean much of the same. Very sad really!
In that case rov, I don't think he's going to benefit from a gap year. The first year in graphics is quite hard, work wise so he'd be better getting in now while his brain's ticking over at its best!! Mind you, he could always find out what's needed on the course and start getting ideas - that's what's time consuming.
The son of a friend of mine is at college studying this topic and he works Saturdays in a design shop - admittedly he's on t-shirt design and print rather than anything more ambitious but it's been a great way of getting him into the world of work and dealing with the public. Perhaps your son could ask about getting a similar job for his gap year? If he hasn't got a plan for the year, he needs to do something, if only to help towards earning his keep!