You've not stated which airline you've booked with. FlyBe operate to Birmingham from Belfast City. BmiBaby operate from Belfast International.
FlyBe's website states this:
"Changes made online will be charged at GBP25 / EUR40 / CHF55 per passenger, per single flight sector plus any difference in fare. No refunds will be given if the fare for the new flights is lower. Changes made through the Call Centre will be charged at GBP30.00 / EUR45 / CHF75 per passenger, per single flight sector plus any difference in fare"
Change a FlyBe booking here:
BmiBaby state this:
"Simply click the "your bookings" link on the top navigation and follow the step by step process. The cost to change a booking is £30 (€37.50) per person per flight, plus any difference in the total cost of the flight applicable at the time the change is made. If the available fare is lower on the new flight, no refund will be made".
Change a BmiBaby booking here: