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Long-haul short breaks in Far East push physical boundaries

With many of us opting for several short breaks instead of one long holiday a year there has been an increase in more unusual destinations. It seems we have a liking for getting a taste of an exotic location not matter how far away it is. Many people are now seen as 'cash-rich time-poor' and they feel they need to pack...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Short Breaks Long On Adventure

With more and more of us going away for two or three shorter breaks rather than the one two week annual holiday, we need to pack more in for our money and time. Short adventure holidays are booming says a specialist leading high street travel agent. Most peoples' idea of a short break generally involves pottering arou...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Young Travellers Risking All For Lack Of Travel Insurance

Younger travellers are playing fast and loose with trip-ruining risks when jetting off on short breaks claims new market research. Many think they can save money by not buying insurance and this surplus can be spent on having fun at their destination. More than 1.5 million 18-24 year olds plan on taking at least one s...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Guide To Using Your Credit Card Abroad

A UK credit card payment association has launched a free guide to using your plastic safely while on holiday. Consumers in the UK spends more than £20 billion on plastic overseas figures reveal, and the organisation warned that such spending is bound to attract crooks. "More and more each year our cards ran...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance To Protect Against Festival Disasters

As the summer music festival season kicks in, experts are warning that failure to check cover could leave people in a stickier situation than the mud in front of main stage. A leading online comparison firm has pointed out that 90 per cent of incidents at festivals concern thefts from tents. While most people will re...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Holiday Money Standoff For Thrifty Travellers

While most of us rely on credit cards on holiday some still place value in the traveller’s cheque. They are easy to buy and can be used in most places just like money. The big advantage is that if they are lost or stolen they are easily replaced as they have a unique serial number. Things may now be changing, how...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Which Warns Of Travel Agents Insurance Rip-Off

Although many of us now do our own travel arrangements using the internet there are still some people who prefer to go to their high street travel agent and talk to a real person. However, this could be a mistake when looking for travel insurance recent research has revealed. Holidaymakers buying their travel insuranc...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Gap Year Travellers Getting Older

Gap year travellers are steadily getting older a new survey has revealed, with over half of all those taking time out to travel over 25. A third of all gap year travellers were actually over 55. Of 10,000 people surveyed, 11 per cent said that they wanted to or are planning a gap year. The US is the number one choice ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Holidaymakers Failing To Take Tropical Disease Safeguards

UK holidaymakers jetting off to exotic climes are failing to take basic precautions against debilitating and lethal tropical diseases, says a leading insurance firm. People travelling into malaria and yellow fever zones are often more conscientious about packing their sun cream than they are about getting life-saving ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Other Brits Biggest Holiday Hate Says Brits

Everyone looks forward to going away but there are a thousand things that can spoil our perfect break. Apparently one of our most annoying problems is other British people while we are on holiday. British holiday makers are frequently left disappointed by summer holidays as ‘disasters and irritants’ such a...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Holidays Ever Pricier While Overseas Even Cheaper

Overseas holidays are becoming cheaper while travelling in the UK has never been more expensive, new research has revealed. Combine the costs with at-best unpredictable weather in the UK and it is unsurprising that two out of three Britons prefer to holiday abroad. The costs of travel in the UK have increased by 5.4 ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

All Work And No Play For Mums On Holiday

Most of us work hard all year and save up for our well earned two week break with the family. There are lots of things to organise in a family holiday, making sure everyone has enough of the right kind of clothing, money, travel documents and insurance even arrangements for looking after pets have to be done before we ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travel Insurance Woes For Over-70s

Although many of us look forward to retirement with the view of putting our feet up after a long hard working life, there are those who think that live begins at 65 and can’t see why they shouldn’t take the time to have a look around the world while they can. This is a great attitude and as the average age ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Stay Safe On Holiday

Experts are urging British holidaymakers to stay safe abroad by making sure they have adequate travel insurance in place to protect against all eventualities. As the holiday season approaches, every year, many families will be jetting off to escape the British weather and enjoy the sun, but not all will have full trav...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Travellers With Medical Conditions 'Should Not Feel Hampered'

Travellers with medical complaints should not necessarily feel they should not travel, according to new claims. People with medical issues can often find gaining travel insurance a laborious or expensive problem, as some companies are unlikely to cover people in countries with particularly high healthcare costs. The n...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Insurers Wait For Festive Getaway Claims

We all look forward to our holidays but we should be more prepared for problems according to new research. According to a luggage delivery firm, the festive season has the highest number of reported incidents of lost luggage per passenger. And this can be exacerbated by other unforeseen problems. For example, a fault...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Holidaymakers Warned Over Exotic Goods

Holiday shoppers have been shown rare and exotic goods in a bid to highlight the limits of what they are allowed to take back home. Visitors to a Holiday World exhibition were shown items such as a turtle shell, snake skins and ivory jewellery – all of which have been previously seized by customs. A bear's head ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Operator Travel Insurance 'Not A Good Idea'

We all look forward to our time away whether it is a sun filled two week Mediterranean holiday or a weekend break in the UK. And, of course, there are a million and one things to do before we can go away; one of the most important of which is travel insurance. However, it seems we need to be more careful about where we...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Cape Town Offers Infinite Variety

Those looking for a holiday trip to a city with every kind of interest could hardly choose a better one than Cape Town. South Africa's oldest city enjoys a pleasant, dry climate and a spectacular setting below the apparently sheer crags of the flat-topped Table Mountain, over the brim of which the famous white cloud k...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Holidaymakers 'Should Cover Themselves Against More Than Sun'

We all enjoy our annual two weeks away from work, but sometimes the worst happens and we arrive home to find that the house has been broken into and valuable possessions stolen. It seems this is becoming more of a problem to UK holidaymakers. A sufficient home insurance policy should see people holidaying abroad cover...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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