Would Joey Barton Make A Good Mp?
Gaming6 mins ago
Thomas Jefferson and his pals didn't know what they were starting when they voted for the Declaration Of Independence in 1776.
It was not only the birth of the United States of America, but the signal for the rest of the world to declare independence... and commemorate the date accordingly.
Other states celebrate 'National Day', usually a historic event or royal birthday, (Ethiopians remember the Downfall of the Dergue every 28th May; the Irish are partial to a drop or two on St Patrick's Day), but generally if you've gained independence, it's a good excuse for a party.
Perhaps that's why they mainly fall during the summer months!
So when setting off on your travIndependence Day around theworldels, bear in mind the banks will be closed on:
1 Haiti (1804)
1 Sudan (1956)
4 Union of Myanmar (1948)
9 Uzbekistan (1991)
4 Sri Lanka (1948)
7 Grenada (1974)
16 Lithuania
18 Gambia (1965)
22 Saint Lucia (1979)
24 Estonia (1918)
27 Dominican Republic (1844)
6 Ghana (1957)
12 Mauritius (1968)
21 Namibia (1990)
25 Greece (1821)
26 Bangladesh (1971)
4 Senegal (1960)
17 Syria (1946)
18 Zimbabwe
27 Sierra Leone (1961)
27 Togo (1960)
12 Israel (1948) (variable)
14 Paraguay (1811)
19 East Timor
24 Eritrea (1993)
25 Jordan (1946)
1 Western Samoa (1962)
12 Philippines (1898)
25 Mozambique (1975)
26 Madagascar (1960)
30 Zaire (1960)
1 Burundi (1962)
1 Rwanda (1962)
3 Belarus
4 USA (1776)
5 Venezuela (1811)
6 Comoros (1975)
6 Malawi
10 Bahamas (1973)
12 Sao Tome and Principe (1975)
20 Colombia (1810)
26 Liberia (1847)
26 Maldives (1965)
28 Peru (1821)
30 Vanuatu (1980)
1 Benin (1960)
3 Niger (1960)
6 Bolivia (1825)
6 Jamaica
7 Ivory Coast
9 Singaapore
10 Ecuador (1809)
11 Chad (1960)
17 Gabon (1960)
17 Indonesia (1945)
18 Afghanistan
24 Ukraine (1991)
25 Uruguay (1825)
31 Kyrgyzstan
1 Libya (1969)
2 Vietnam (1945)
3 Qatar
6 Swaziland (1968)
7 Brazil (1822)
8 FYR Macedonia
15 Costa Rica (1821)
15 El Salvador (1821)
15 Honduras (1821)
15 Nicaragua (1821)
16 Papua New Guinea (1821)
16 Mexico (1810)
18 Chile (1810)
19 Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983)
21 Malta (1964)
21 Belize
21 Armenia
22 Mali (1922)
30 Guinea-Bissau (1973)
1 Cyprus
1 Nigeria (1960)
2 Guinea (1958)
9 Uganda (1962)
24 Zambia (1964)
27 Saint Vincent and the Grenaidines (1979)
27 Turkmenistan
1 Antigua and Barbuda (1981)
3 Panama (1903)
9 Cambodia (1990)
11 Angola
18 Latvia
22 Lebanon
25 Suriname (1975)
28 Mauritania (1960)
30 Barbados (1966)
6 Finland (1917)
12 Kenya (1963)
See also articles on: