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Rome...The City of Love

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

If you’re looking for a romantic experience where you can soak up the breathtaking views from Gianicolo, stroll up Via Sacra or take a boat trip gliding along the Tiber. Sensual Rome is the true city of romance - where the present is the key to the past, and the past is present.

When in Rome:
It may no longer be the caput mundi (capital of the world) but the city still has plenty to offer.  Like an onion if you peel off the layers one by one you will find it just gets better and better, but won’t make you cry, unless they are tears of joy. So why is Rome seen as being a city of love and great romance?

A metropolis of lost empires and one of Europe’s most ancient urban cities, Rome is a bursting with historical status. The Coliseum ruins exhibit the full magnificence of the engineering and prove why it is seen as the most impressive building of the Roman Empire. Even though the monumental structure has fallen into only ruins, it is still a beautiful sight.

The city was famous for its seven hills, so it’s no wonder one of the most romantic spots is a belvedere. The best view in the whole of Rome is that from Gianicolo, according to many people who have experienced this romantic location. The entire city unravels in front of your eyes underneath the immense vault of the sky so you can see it in all its beauty surrounded by a cosy atmosphere.

Taking a stroll up Via Sacra on a warm summer’s night, you are very unlikely to meet anyone, making this stroll in the middle of ancient Rome a perfectly romantic walk. With decent lighting so you can see where you’re going without ruining the ambience created by the light of the moon. It will be hard to imagine that thousands of years ago the commanders of the Roman armies parading up and down these roads that start from the Coliseum then continue to twirl up the Palatinum hill.

The Eternal City:

The fountains of Rome are an unmatched collection. Particularly those in piazzas Navona, Trevi and Barberini-which have been said to be spectacular when lit up at night. So if you’re looking for a romantic setting what more could you ask for.

Rome is a city that wears its heart on its sleeve, and at the heart of the Roman remains is the Acanto Spa. Built around the Pantheon remains this is a fantastic scenic choice for indulging in some hydrotherapy treatments or massages. The spa also offers couples a bath of milk and rose petals to relax and soak up the true legend of the city.

The Food of Love:

Agata e Romeo is set in the raffish area around Santa Maria Maggiore, near the main station. The dishes are contemporary Italian, as well as specialities for the more adventurous gourmet lovers.

The amorous Hotel Forum restaurant is assisted by the most seductive panorama in the city. You can see the Roam forum and the Capitoline hill from the comfort of the restaurant. You are paying for the views as much as the food, but you get to enjoy some calm seductive music at the same time. So if music be the food of love, play on.


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