I dislike the heat as well, more to do with disliking extremes rather than just hating summer days, I also dislike sub zero weather, heavy snow and gale force wind ;)
I love a good thunderstorm too, especially at night. I like to stand at the window and watch the lightening, and see the rain bucketing down. I know--strange!!!
It is hot and windy here. A bit like being in a fan oven (not that I have experienced that!) I hate it. Apparently it's 33 degrees out there. I prefer temperatures in the low 20's where it is sunny but I can move about and feel comfortable.
I love a good storm too. Have done since I was a child and my Dad used to take me to a window to watch. Mind you a building I was in was struck once and that really did unnerve me. My colleage was in the loo and it struck the metal roof above her and the window. She rushed out adjusting her underwear as she did.!!
storm can't come soon enough for me as I get really evil headaches before one hits...and I have got one now... love watching them really hope I can get home before it though as I am desperate to watch from my balcony 7 floors up on a high point overlooking birmingham but then again if I don't get home I have no umbrella so I may get a little wet,,,,wonder if McFluff can lend me her mac.
Here in Essex is unbearable, even hotter than yesterday. I have just put my washing out and felt a bit wobbly with the heat. Last week I was walking about with my coat on...........never a happy medium in this country - either boiling your bits off or freezing them.....(:o(
Love it. Sadly I am stuck in AB towers, slowly gathering frost under our Air-con. The heat is rubbish if you're inside, but being outside in it would mean I could get on my bike to cool down.
It is annoying to not be able to wear a jacket though.
I was in it all day yesterday, from sunrise to sunset, and I'm very very red despite being covered in factor 30. So I think I'm hotter than anyone else...