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Steve Wright On Bbc Radio 2

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iloveher | 21:13 Thu 15th Oct 2015 | Film, Media & TV
33 Answers
Well past his sell-by date. Anyone still enjoy listening to him?


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I have radio 2 on all the time and enjoy most of it, I really like Simon Mao and Johnny Walker. But.... if Steve Write says 'seriously jockin' over and over this week, for the first time, I'll turn over!
17:39 Sun 18th Oct 2015
Sorry - he's on Radio 2 between 3 and 6
That's annoyin Hopkirk.
Yep, Togo.
Mayo was carp when he was on radio one and now he's worse.
// The BBC are dying to get that creep Ross on full time.//
Aarrgghhh he's on. And I didn't wish for it.
Mayo is OK.
On salad or chips, Hopkirk.
I agree with Togo.

Jonathan Woss was on today, and I seriously wanted Wrighty back as a result.
Steve Wright is like a lot of presenters on Radio 2, they think they are more important then the music. People who write in to hear a request realise the only chance they have of being selected is to say the programme is wonderful.The result is both S W and the BBC believe this and the charade goes on. The truth is it doesn't require somebody as puerile as S W to present a request programme and the quicker the BBC gets somebody who isn't repetitious, doesn't laugh at his own jokes and destroys songs by "singing" over them the better. I stopped listening to him months ago, he was added to the must miss list which includes Jeremy Vine, Chris Evans, Graham Norton and Craig Charles. Surely there are better presenters than these?
Will these radio stations survive the latest charter renewal?
Listen to Radio 2 quite a lot and love Sounds of the 60s on a Saturday morning from 8 - 10 am. Whispering Bob Harris is also a joy but.............
Vanessa Feltz and Chris Evans?? Both full of themselves and CE in particular talks over every track. Definite turn off.
I can't stand him. why does he insist on singing along to the songs so much.
I quite liked the sunday morning love songs programme but I'm going off that too due to S W..
I like Liza Tarbuck who's easy to listen to on Saturday evening,and Jeremy Vine and Simon Mayo the week.
I agree with pips1 and jenarry, Lisa Tarbuck is brilliant.
Saw a photo of Steve Wright recently and couldn't recognize him. Shocking!
His show is a bit same old, same old, I agree, but a lot of people like him.

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