Why do people now seem to have yapping dogs , not proper barking dogs of yesteryear? Sitting on the patio with a cup of tea and a fag listening to the birds singing, now the bloke down the road has finished his DIY with a hammer, and yet, for the past half hour some yapping mutt has been at it, are the owners not aware ?
Actually, I have a similar problem here in my street this morning, but with a neat twist. Two tom cats, belonging to two different neighbours have been squaring up to each other, in my front garden for the last hours. Their yowling has been driving Willy mad, so I had to go out and chase them away a few mins ago !
I did think about dognapping the mutt and holding it hostage / yapping in my garden, see how the owners like that.Yes the old jokes are the best.
mikey, no offence taken and I hope your pussy problem is resolved.
I hate it when folk refer to small dogs as 'rats on a lead'. How rude, and small dogs are cute and sweet. They can't help it if they make a yapping sound! Wonder what you look like baza ??
^^^^ I have no objection to people owning whatever breed of dog they want, just don't leave the damned thing yapping in the garden for nearly 2 hours, animal lovers, I think not.
A cross between a Boxer and Great Dane.
The woman over the road from us has 5 dogs of various breeds and sizes, when one starts they all join in! Yaps, yelps and barks. We can hear them even with the door shut.
baza - is the yappy dog "A cross between a Boxer and Great Dane." or is that your dog or, perhaps, yourself? :-)
I prefer big dogs but whilst I don't hate/dislike little dogs I would never have one. I think that it may be the frequency of the yap that drills through people's heads.
Mikey mentioned cats - brawling moggies emit a sound that could waken the dead. It sounds almost prehistoric and not at all pleasant to hear.
tambo, I do live out in the sticks, no buses after 7pm on Sunday, and have done for many years.
My gripe is about noisy dog owners not knowing or ignoreing their pets stressful yapping.