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anotheoldgit | 16:29 Wed 28th Oct 2015 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
Anyone notice the increase in black actors in the TV series Lewis, I wonder if this is due to Lenny Henry's campaign at all?


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Good to see a more representative mix.
You really do seem obsessed with race and culture!

Oxford is culturally diverse, junior staff will reflect this and senior staff are likely to transfer in from other areas as per the new head honcho who has come from London.
Question Author

/// You really do seem obsessed with race and
culture! ///

No need to be so rude, this type of thing has been debated before.

Another observation that I made, was the fact that Oxfordshire police must have some cash, since they supply their officers with Jaguar cars.
As Oxfordshire Police is fictitious I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it.

And if you think I was being rude you really do need to get out more.
Question Author

Do you mean that there are actually ruder people than you?
OK - let's leave it there shall we?

Thank you both.
I hadn't realised you were of such a delicate disposition!
when you say many more are in the current series than in previous series? And are they in major roles, or just extras? I never watch it!
I don't keep count of such things, just watch and enjoy.

One of my favourite shows.
Is there a current series? I thought the last series ended with his retirement and Hathaway's resignation.
If I've followed it properly, Lewis resigned but changed his mind and came back. Not sure if it's a new series, but I haven't seen any of those currently on.
There are less and less coppers on the beat - and going to be even fewer - and yet high ranking Lewis and his chum seem to be always walking about hither and thither, I wonder where they are bound, perhaps they easily get lost.
Just checked. Apparently they are back.
"Just checked. Apparently they are back. "

I read this as "Apparently they are ..." you can guess
Am I right in thinking Lenny Henry campaigned for more black actors to appear in TV shows?

What if they all got parts as the bad guys, would he campaign against that as well?
Question Author

/// What if they all got parts as the bad guys, would he campaign against that as well? ///

Most likely, but I doubt you will see it, because in all the crime series that contain an increasing number of black actors, it is very rare for them to appear in a criminal role.

Even in the real life documentary series about UK police work, I have yet to see them apprehend or arrest anyone apart from whites.

Surely, this cuts down the potential baddies!
The colour of the c/supt's skin is irrelevant in my view. What bothers me is he acts like no DCS I ever knew.

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