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Call centres in India.

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anotheoldgit | 18:32 Sun 23rd Jan 2011 | News
45 Answers

What a cheek, BT suggesting that a customer's 'Brummie' accent may have been difficult to understand, for their operatives in Indian call centres.

How many times have persons in the UK had difficulty understanding the Indian accent? I know that I have.

I would have thought that the first criterion in obtaining a job in a call centre was for the other person being able to understand you?


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"Answerprancer has gone. Knitting yoghurt, no doubt".
What's that supposed to mean ?!t for brains.
Should I now complain to BT because my Broadband connection is giving me two names against the same Avatar. Or is this a matter for reference to AB's Ed.

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I used to work in a call centre until it was outsourced to India. Average salary at my centre: £15000. Average salary in India: £1500. No real need to do the maths here.
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Call centres in India.

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