// Why would a Syrian refugee require a firearm when they are fleeing to find asylum away from guns in their country of domicile in the first place? //
How does one tell the difference between a Syrian refugee & a terrorist member determined to enter a country to commit acts of violence ?
"Perhaps Mr Dale should start sorting his own problems out first ! "
a bit like here, we should look after our own problems before letting this lot in...and all the calais mob thatsstil flooding in here every single day...
I shudder to say this but, ever since Facebook gave non-passport-owning USanians the power to get into pub-level discussions with people on this side of the Atlantic, they have shed their "don't do irony" stereotyped image at a remarkable speed.
I suspected they've always been capable but just didn't indulge due to some unspoken code of 'good manners'.
Now, as to whether *this* specific American was using humour, consciously, I really cannot tell. Personally, I would prefer that he was living up to my stereotyped view of (humourless) Republicans.
AOG...."mass" immigration is exactly what has made America what it is today. It is a country formed 99% from immigration ::::
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Otherwise the Cherokee, Sioux, Blackfoot, etc, etc would be in the White House !