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If Abers Were Litmus Paper

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-Talbot- | 22:41 Wed 18th Nov 2015 | ChatterBank
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There wouldn't be many with a PH of 7 would there!


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AnswerPrancer at 22:27, neither can ! !
Surely Ph7s are the fence sitters?
Can I ask what are Ph7 - sorry. Is it a degree or such

//Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are alkaline or basic. Pure water is neutral, being neither an acid nor a base.//

pH 7 - neutral, neither acidic or alkaline.
pH is a measure of acidity/neutrality/alkalinity in Chemistry....7 is neutral.
Retro 22.08 has answered it well........
...and to measure it, litmus paper is useless. You need pH-specific indicator paper....or, better still, a pH meter.
Thank you. Glad you thought so. Lol. Put it on the wrong ruddy post :-)

/// Well that is the problem. There seems so many who are oozing insincerity here. They fallover themselves on certain threads to compete with each other to do the outpouring of grief etc. ///

I must admit to doing this on two separate occasions recently, but it is in no way trying to compete with anyone, it is called showing one's concerns for others, just as I have in the past wished you all the best when I have learnt of your health problem.

/// Their faux display of grief does no good to the victims or the victims familys on this site.The only good it does is to those who believe they are better than everyone else for expressing it. ///

That is a shocking thing for you to say retro, I thought better of you than that.

/// It turns a tradgedy into a pathetic,laughable display of pious trite.I can grieve without trying to show I am better than others for doing so. Pathetic really.It does not give comfort to the real victims. Not from this site in any case unless you are closely related to the victims family and that is a different case.Better to express your sorrow face to face with the grievers than let forth with pointless emo ///

In your past employment as a police officer, you must have seen or learnt of tragic happenings etc, also your senior officers have had to read out their feelings on certain cases to the press, does that also make them insincere or of turning a tragedy into a pathetic laughable display of pious trite?

I agree with sqad at 14:52.
There seems to be be two separate threads running her - but to stick with Retrocop's point for a moment.

I am no fan of a 'grief fest/competition' as often witnessed on Facebook and other media.

However if I think something is sad ot tragic I will say so and will continue to do that, without trying to outdo anyone else in that endeavour.

Gallows humour and stiff upper lip come into play of course when awful things happen , but not at the immediate expense of expressing some respect and or sympathy.
^ excuse above typos, having a sticky keyboard day.
Mr aog

//I must admit to doing this on two separate occasions recently, but it is in no way trying to compete with anyone//

Then you can take great comfort to know that you are not incuded with those who do.

/// Their faux display of grief does no good to the victims or the victims familys on this site.The only good it does is to those who believe they are better than everyone else for expressing it. ///

//That is a shocking thing for you to say retro, I thought better of you than that. //

What is so shocking. Unless the victims or families are ABers or are known personally to ABers outpourings of sorrow achieve nothing to them.
It is like saying,"they are in my prayers tonight" No good to the victims if they are atheists is it?
//In your past employment as a police officer, you must have seen or learnt of tragic happenings etc, also your senior officers have had to read out their feelings on certain cases to the press, does that also make them insincere or of turning a tragedy into a pathetic laughable display of pious//

My expression of sorrow or grief is expressed face to face with the next of kin when I express my sympathy.
I wasn't just a faceless username on AB .

If I fall short of your sensitivities Mr aog that is too bad.
I say what I believe and not what I think people would like to hear me say.

^ I was about to say something along those lines ie real life as opposed to 'on a forum' ...not let's sit back and wait for a deluge of passive aggressive defensiveness.
correction - *now (let's sit back)
Mr aog
Let us get one thing straight should there be any misunderstanding.
What I wrote on the post that you have commented on was not in any way directed at the recent outrage in Paris.

You came into some stick yourself at the above post yesterday.
A tragic occurrence on a very small scale. Two men missing and 5 injured.
A minor Industrial accident in the grand scheme of things with regards to larger tradgedy recently surrounding us.
I do not diminish the sadness of the families but come on.That post lasted 5hours and 42 minutes and not one shred of interest was shown today by those making the most noise and laying down the law about gallows humour and reminiscing. That just about sums up the so called genuine sincere interest of those who would have us believe they are truly concerned.
My post was meant to have gone to that OP and not on Talbots to whom I apologise and had explained to Sqad earlier. I retract nothing.

I'm not totally sure I understand all your last post , I felt no need to return to that post re the Cardiff steel accident after I had commented when news of the 2 deaths was released.

I expressed my sadness yesterday, useless though it is as you say to the families.

If we should not express sadness or regret unless it is in person in your view then I shall have to disagree.
That is ok if we disagree. If you feel the need to express your grief to anyone other than the true victims it must make you feel good.Can't see why myself
It does not make me 'feel good' - it makes me feel human.
r'cop - "...not one shred of interest was shown today by those making the most noise and laying down the law about gallows humour and reminiscing. That just about sums up the so called genuine sincere interest of those who would have us believe they are truly concerned."

That was obviously directed at me & I will have you know that I continued to check the news but chose not to add to the thread. I was not attempting to, nor would I expect to be able to, "lay down the law" about anything - what a ridiculous thing to suggest.

Speaking my piece - for once, on a news thread - apparently irked you because it was a different opinion to yours. You & the usual News contributors are constantly at each others' throats with differing opinions & accusations of being in "this or that camp". Is it any wonder that many don't bother getting involved?

Sorry, but I have no desire to bandy the same words back & forth with people that are only interested in the "I've said my piece & I'm right, so there" position, rather than enjoy reasonable debate.

You have posted some - IMO - truly objectionable things over the past few days, backed up by the usual people, of course. I held my own counsel & didn't bother attempting to join in because I knew how it would end - badly, as those threads always seem to do.

I have no doubt that you won't be surprised to know that this is my last word on this subject & I shan't be returning to this thread - you carry on though, you usually do.

PS Having seen Mamya's posts before pressing "Submit", I will add that any feelings of sorrow or grief that I express as a result of any tragedy, no matter how "minor" (unbelievable!) are genuine & included as part of an overall discussion opened by a thread. Do you think that Antoine Leiris will ever see your - very well worded - tribute to him & his baby? If not, why did you bother posting it?

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