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Sit Ups

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mrs_overall | 09:07 Sat 02nd Jan 2016 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
When doing sit ups, do you breathe in as you are coming 'up' or as you are going 'down'?


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Going down.Breathing out is done when there is some exertion in any exercise.
09:12 Sat 02nd Jan 2016
Ooops...sorry Mrs o
It's a rather antiquated term for me also.....
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bathsheba, cor, he sounds nice. Is he single? lol

Right, I can hear a bacon sarnie calling my name.
I hope you all have a great day. xx
Best moan but not scream & dont shake the bed
I would say yes to him being simple, simply because of his age,.,.he didn't look a day over 17. Also he did some things which I'm sure shouldn't have been unchaperoned :( He had me lying on my back on the bed, then later he asked me to take my top off!
Seriously though,...if he were a GP he would've asked for a chaperone ;)

x x x

x x
single, not simple ;)
Tsk. These Freudian slips !
Lol O-G :) x x
Hi Mrs O - my physio used to tell me - as you walk just breathe in and out as deeply as you go along. I used to find it helped particularly when I was slowing down I would immediate do said exercises and the air going in helped me to just to go that bit further. Doing sit ups I think (when you haven't been well ) are are a bit much.

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