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And On It Goes...

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Canary42 | 16:33 Wed 06th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Why do we have so many anti-Islam posts on this site. Rarely a day goes by without one or more of these offensive posts appearing. Give it a rest, for goodness sake, you've made your point.


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I agree canary, I just avoid the posts now.
"Why do we have so many anti-Islam posts on this site.".

Do you think it may have something to do with the way some Muslims behave, Canary?
It works both ways

I would ask why you never seem to have an opinion on things such as this Canary?

If you do pop up on such a thread it is most likely to call other posters racist or xenophobic
Do you not think it's because it's the way "SOME" of them have no regards with the public's life?
Why do we have so many islamic extremist items on all the broadcast news channels. Rarely a day goes by without one or more of these offensive items appearing, detailing bodies blown to bits and spread all over buildings, heads hacked off, concert goers and diners in restaurants summarily executed. Give it a rest, extremists, for goodness sake, you've made your point.
i think it's because it is a subject that is uppermost in posters minds, and is the thing theyhave most concerns about, coupled with the fact there is always a news story.
I don't mind if there's a reasonable question , sometimes they are simply a rant to let off steam.

My main objection is the derision you are met with if you try to put an opposing view to the OP or the majority of respondents.

I therefore comment less than I once did.
## Give it a rest, for goodness sake, you've made your point. ##

I agree Canary, so let us wait till there is another explosion somewhere, another terrorist attack on innocent people, the executing of 47 people one after the other, and if I am not wrong, I believe all carried out by Muslims.

So we have a right to vent our anger, as long as these atrocity's keep going on.
I suppose that if Answer Bank was around during WWII, there would be many anti-German posts on the site. And I suppose the reason would have been that the murderous hordes wanted to take over most of Europe, including The British Isles...There might have been some "good" Germans though.
But we don't, and shouldn't, take time to consider the "good" ones, if indeed there are any. Our sole concentration should be upon those committing horrendous atrocities: one group in the name of the fuhrer, and the other group in the name of allah.
Your title says '' And On It Goes...''

And it is still going on, read the link below.
Well don't read them Canary if they annoy you so much, simple really ...
There's nothing more offensive than radical Islam - or haven't you looked, Canary?

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