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Mercedes Tyre Foam Canister

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malagabob | 16:45 Fri 12th Feb 2016 | Motoring
31 Answers
The garage informed me after a service the tyre foam canister had been used and quoted me £50 for a replacement.
On getting home I inspected the canister thinking it was a sealed one use unit, but on gripping and turning the nozzles,the top came of and seems to reseal on replacing.
Is it possible to refill with sealant I buy elsewhere, assuming sealant is available to decanter. TIA


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That's it though mikey, my little hairdresser's merc doesn't have a spare wheel well.
Exactly, Mikey, I have this type of spare wheel but TWR will not accept that this is an acceptable solution.
@ Prudie

Well you are stuck with the foam kit - best of luck!
Car manufacturers are fitting cars with large alloys with low profile tyres which are vulnerable to sidewall damage and at the same time supplying a kit that will not repair such damage.
I have just seen you reply Mrblear, the car I now have was sold to the previous owner with this stupid space saver ( Money Saver to the Manufactors more like) there was room in the boot well for a proper alloy wheel, this I purchased off ebay, Yes some cars do not have the same well space,I would still buy a proper wheel.
On the subject of spare wheels - a little anecdote from the past. A friend of mine, who was into 3-wheelers, assures me that, whilst the Reliant Robin came with a spare wheel, the Reliant Robin GT (don't laugh) didn't but a spare was available as an optional extra. This was not a money-saving exercise as people may think but a means of getting round rules. To meet the qualifications for tax and driving licence regulations 3-wheelers had a maximum weight of 8cwt. With a spare wheel the GT weighed more than that so supplying the spare as an extra got round the rules.
bhg...I am still trying to get my head around a Reliant Robin GT !

In what way exactly, could a Reliant Robin be made a Grand Tourer ?

I have a friend who has one of these in Cornwall and she gave me a lift in it a few years ago, As I am built on more comfortable lines, shall we say, I was expecting it to fall over at any time. I have never felt so frightened in a car before, and I caught the bus back !
After your reply mikey I tried to find out about the GT but can't find any reference to it. They did, however, make a "Super" with a 850cc 40bhp in place of the 750cc 32bhp engine which gave it a top speed 0f 85mph (I can see you going pale), so perhaps that's the model he was referring to.
He came round to our house in his one year in fairly deep snow. With 4-wheel cars you just follow the ruts made by other cars; he was most disconcerted because his front wheel kept jumping from the left to the right track left by other cars.
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Thanks to all for input but it does not answer my initial question. Is there a tyre sealer available to decant into my empty cylinder.
I would think not Bob as your container is pressurised.
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Have had the top off, so that's why I'm thinking the canister can be refilled. And have checked the labels on the old canister for warnings and there is nothing to indicate it's a pressurised container. The compresser supply's the pressure.

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