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Valentines Based Quiz 2

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blueterrier | 20:33 Sun 21st Feb 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
A man is in love with a woman who shows no interest in him. He promises to find, and bring to her, a fallen star. Assuming that this will never happen, she promises that if he does so, she will do whatever he asks. He actually finds a fallen star, which he prepares to bring back to his sweetheart. But there is a change of plan when he realises it is the star that he truly loves.

What is the first name of the woman to whom the man promises the gift of a fallen star?


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Sorry, Victoria.
20:41 Sun 21st Feb 2016
Sorry, Victoria.
Stardust by Neil Gaiman (HarperCollins). In this reissued young-adult magical fantasy, Tristran Thorn searches for a fallen star so he can win the love of Victoria, the prettiest girl in town. Along the way, he encounters witches and unicorns and learns valuable lessons about love in the land of Faerie.

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Valentines Based Quiz 2

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