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ABers profiles

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bongerman | 17:05 Mon 22nd May 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Is there any way of seeing how many questions someone has asked/answered in the same way you can see your own info?


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Yep, well sort of! if you type their name into the search box, every thread they have been involved in will pop up.

Sorry this question didn't come up on my profile search, I have now made this request officially as I expect far more people would want to click profiles to read them than not (and more than likely could opt out). Now the profiles are in place there's no reason not to.
what's a profile search?
"now that profiles are in place" what are you talking about???
what with profile searches and dot asking about her anonymity option... I'm beginning to wonder if there's some sort of second AB, with different buttons, that I don't know anything about, possibly in a parallel universe. Can anybody enlighten me?
Gawd knows jno but they havent let me in either lol maybe it's only for rnewbies? Oh no, then Dot wouldnt know, very weird. Glad I'm not the only confused person here

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