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Can You Beleive This Weather

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TWR | 08:37 Tue 29th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Just started snowing here.


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Sleet/snow here in Burnley-By-The-Canal, too, TWR:-(
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Was just about to start a Garden job for a friend Ken, I'ts unreal this dam weather.
flurry of snow yesterday in leicestershire, sunny today :-)

Really sunny here on the north coast but feels nippy
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Stop taking the "P" Psybbo lol lol
Sleet turned to full on snow, now. Don't remember seeing this on last night's weather forecast.
Hello TWR :-)
Lovely and warm at AB Towers
Would that be an ivory tower Ed :-)
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A.B. I dare not answer your post! I don't want to get banned, as I type it's throwing it down here, I hope your heating goes blink lol lol " Only Joking"
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Hi Psybbo, It's like Emas here. Gingle Bells Gingle Bells. x
Just getting ready to set off to work (I'm a window cleaner) here in "sunny" Burnley ...... I'm sure all this snow wasn't forecast ??

.... looks like I'm having another brew 'til this lot passes over :)
No signs of that happening anytime soon, Giz. Better brew yourself an urn:-)
It's absolutely beautiful here, the sun has his hat on and the sky is lovely and blue. A few clouds but they are fluffy and white and don't look threatening at all.
The same here Rocky but, having just been outside, I can tell you that it's flippin' cold!
I'm not venturing out Tilly. I'll sit and enjoy it from my warm living room ;
Snow? What snow? The rain has washed it all away!
Yay ... it's stopped ....
Hi Ho, Hi Ho .... it's off to work I go ....

.... or maybe it'd be more appropriate to sing:

I owe, I owe .... it's off to work I go .....

Interesting morning so far in N/Kent, brill. sunshine followed by quite a lot of black clouds and hail, now brill. sunshine again.
No snow in Warringotn, but it's cold, very cold !!

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