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teresa806 | 23:03 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
Is there any way of getting a gsd ear to stand up


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If it is a pup that hasn't finished teething, I would wait and see what happens, as when they are teething it affects the muscles that lead to the ear.

You can make a cone shape from thin cardboard and place it inside the ear, and use tape to hold it in place, use that self sticking tape that the vets use for bandaging (vetwrap) or you can use the stuff you get from chemists (moleskin I think) which you use for protecting your toes from bunions etc. It is sticky on one side and you can stick it inside the ear.

Other than that leave him in the garden and call him from an upstairs window!

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thanks Iankeela i'll try that

Depending on the age, like lankeela says he may have trouble. But make sure NO ONE touches his ears while they are trying to grow and stand on their own, NO rubbing the ear at all stay away from them when petting him, don't even rub them back like you would just to pet him, it breaks the cartiledge down in the ears and causes them to get floppy or not stand, when my dogs were all young I had to always keep people away from their ears, some had very large ears and it took some time to get them up, the smaller the ear the easier it stands up. If they are getting older and they aren't up yet you can try the above but realize to never breed that dog, the ears are genetic to allot of degree, and if the ears dont stand after all your precautions then he will carry that gene to give to others, don't put that in the GSD gene pool, because apparently if his doesn't stand, you were given one that should not have been.

Another thing I have heard is to use a sponge curler that women use and use eyelash glue on the pink skin portion only of the ear and glue it on and help the ears stand.

You didn't say how old they only guessing they are still young..

whats wrong with his ears the way they are????

Try taping a cardboard cone/haircurler to your own ears!

I guess you pedigree dog owners would call yourselves animal lovers.

I believe in letting them come up on their own if they do fine if not oh well, but that is not what the question was.

But since I am fan of the GSD I do not want anything else negative to enter the gene pool they have enough trouble from bad breeders messing with them already.

And I am not a pedigree'd dog owner, my dog is from a RESCUE her mom and dad (german lined papers)were thrown to the kill shelter (because the bad breeder was getting a divorce and didn't want them anymore)and were rescued and mom was pregnant, pups born, I got one but NO PAPERS were done on her, she is not registered, I was looking for a pup for work, I just like the upright ear'd look, if they never came up fine, but I wanted her to have them since that is the way the GSD is suppose to be, and her allergies were already making her prone for infection and if her ears flopped it would make them even worse prone for infection, due to moisture trapping. Sorry teresa806, had to address any of the misinformed that might visit, or maybe they just read my post wrong and misinterpreted or I did not make myself clear... do aplogise.

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Thanks Drgnrdr found your comments very helpfull by the way she is 10 months , so i guess it still as time, if not she'll still be loved just the same. As you said being a gsd just like the look of upright ear

saying walkies normally works well for mine!!!!

If your pup is 10 months, they may never stand, if they aren't half way up already. They either don't have the genetics or someone messed with the ears to much when she was young, as described in my previous post.

Allot of people don't know not to mess with the ears, in my line of work I have to inform people all the time about GSD's and such. ANY time someone wanted to touch/pet my pup at work I would tell them yes you may, but not around the ears, they would just say "oh infection?" "do they hurt?" "oh doesn't she like that?" One lady actually said "Well that's ridiculous, where else am I suppose to pet them if I can't touch her ears?"

I said "well, she has a chest and neck and long body, start there".

and I would have to educate them, GSD'S 101, so to speak. I know you'll love her just the same and next time you see a GSD pup you can spread the word and also not pet them around the ears, you'll be informed.

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Thanks drgnnrdr Its only the one ear and just the top tip

yes ther are depending on age e-mail me @ [email protected]

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