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Did Obama Just Come Over To Threaten Us?

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ToraToraTora | 13:03 Sun 24th Apr 2016 | News
38 Answers
well here's the news Mr president, obstruction works both ways.


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As a total mug, I'd like to point out that Obama hasn't shied away from criticising Cameron in the past. See, for example, his comments about the military interventions in Syria, where he really went after Cameron personally.

In that sense, anyone who thinks that Obama is saying this because he was told to by the UK is even more of a mug. He's looking after American interests first and foremost; if he didn't think it was in the interests of the US for the UK to remain in the EU, he would probably have said nothing (other than some glib remarks about how it's a decision for the British people alone, or something). And besides, for all the criticism about how he's a "lame duck" president, that also means something else: he can say whatever he actually thinks without fear of damaging his chances for re-election.
President Eisenhower must be turning in his grave to see this hypocrite lecture and threaten us. It was France who kicked the U.S. out and the U.S. came crawling to us. Now the U.S. president does a U turn. Take your air bases back to France if Europe means so much to you .
"He's looking after American interests first and foremost;..."

Agree entirely, jim (wow!). But he should have stayed away (or at least kept his trap shut on our referendum). He likes the UK to be in the EU because we are one of the few ant-American voices at what s laughingly known as the "Top Table". Trade between the US and the UK will not suddenly come to a grinding halt should we leave. It went on long before the EU existed and will continue long after we leave or the EU dissolves into chaos. Trade agreements may take ten years to devise - that's because politicians and ciivil servants are involved. Meanwhile businesses will get on with their business in the same way as the UK deals with eight of its top ten non-EU export destinations with whom the EU (and hence the UK) has no trading agreement.
Somehow I don't think they are going to leave their 7th biggest trading partner in the lurch for 5 to 10 years. Would be crazy to do so.

New Judge
or the EU dissolves into chaos.

I think that is highly likely NJ.

Just more scaremongering, best ignored.

"Did Mr Obama have any sense at all that what he was now urging the British electorate to accept was precisely the surrender of those sacred principles of democratically accountable government and self-determination for which the combined American and British forces had made their ultimate sacrifice?"

Janet Daley in today's Telegraph

Why should we take advice from a president who has surrendered the world to chaos? :
"...we leave or the EU dissolves into chaos"

One or other is a certainty, Talbot. Once the euro goes belly up (which will probably be within five years, or even as early as this July when the next lot of debt repayment from Greece is due) and Schengen continues to allow illegal migrants unfettered access to the entire continent the entire thing will implode. The stranglehold the euromaniacs have imposed on democracy across Europe will utimately be broken. I just hope we take the opportunity to get out because the fear that is being instilled in people is mislaced. The fear is not of "Brexit"; that will be a walk in the park compared to the chaos that will follow a shambolic disintegration.
He came across on a diplomatic trip to visit the Queen on her 90th and to say bye bye to blighty as president for the last time

Oh yeah and run a huge assist of Brexit for his mate Dave!
President Obama would be well advised to leave us to our own devices & decisions, the EU constantly tells us what laws we may or may not pursue in our own land including an open border policy which allows anyone & everyone to flood our country. The United States is constantly trying to stem the flow of immigrants from Mexico ( indeed Mr Trump who is in the running for President is talking of building an East/West German style wall or fence ) so Mr President attend to your own affairs & leave us to ours.
// Did Obama Just Come Over To Threaten Us?//

yeah because he has nothing else to do at the end of his presidency ( having attained world peace - democracy in the arab nations and sorted the recession )

another belter from 3T ! right - oh !
Whatever the aim, clearly the method was to make threats. I'm sure he has other reasons to have been here in Europe too, but that's besides the point.
Doesn't look like threats to me, more like advice/opinion ,which given his job I think he is qualified to give. That and free speech which most ambers seem to champion one way or another gives him the rite to say what he thinks anyways
Ambers ? Lol should be abers
Uncle Sam just wanted to act like a Dutch uncle and give us some good advice.
Well like most Americans he couldn't find Holland on a map!!
Aye that could be because it's a region of the Netherlands

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