I have a wild baby rabbit who found his way into my garden this morning. It has Mixi and cannot open one eye at all and the other is all swollen and gungy. I have put it through the fence in the field away from my dogs who were pawing at it wondering why it wouldn't move. It's still in the same place. Should I just leave it and let nature take it's course?
yeah, drowning is not a very nice way for it to depart. If you can't head it over the head with something heavy, maybe a caring neighbour might do it. It seems a bit macabre, but a lot more humane than drowning.
When mixi was at its height my dad carried a stout walking stick with him when he walked the dogs. Always put the poor creatures out of their misery if he came across them.
I agree with quickly dispatching it with a hefty club of some sort, or if you don't have the stomach for it, ask someone who is less squeamish to do the deed.
Predators and scavengers will often avoid rabbits with myxomatosis, so its a case of being cruel to be kind.