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crispie and cornflake cakes

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natty23 | 08:56 Thu 07th Jul 2005 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

how long do these keep?

whats the ratio of chocolate to flakes/cripies?




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They don't last long at all - not in my house!
I usually just melt the chocolate and then add cornflakes/crispies bit by bit until there is no runny chocolate left.
I usually use equal quanitites of chocolate, butter and golden syrup - about 4oz. Melt them all together in a saucepan, then keep stirring in cornflakes or rice crispies until there is no runny mixture left. If you keep them in an airtight container, they last about 3 days max, then they start to go a bit soft or sticky. Having said that the don't usually see the end of the day with my kids!! You can always add a few raisins too if you like - into the choccy mix before the flakes.
i find that these are the easiest to make with my toddlers when they are restless, i usually buy the supercook chocolate and follow the instructions on the back of that

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crispie and cornflake cakes

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