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I've Had A Little Accident

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MargoTester | 10:15 Wed 18th May 2016 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Fell down the stairs last night and broke a bone a the top of the humerus! Agonising pain so went to local hospital and ended up with a collar and cuff and pain killers, which aren't having much effect at present. Another six weeks unable to drive! Left arm fortunately so still able to type. Clumsy ***


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So many accidents lately! Hope you feel better soon.
Oh dear, I hope yo mend soon X
Can only add my good wishes to the others. Hope you feel better soon.
sorry margo

" everyone is falling, Flopson" Dickens - Flopson and Mopson were two maids in one of his novels
all best wishes,hope pain relief 'kicks in' soon
How dare you blame a poor hospitalised invalid on your ills!! Sampling the holiday Port or was it the Vino Verde. Would tou believe NO
Daily Mail ward deliveries here and I am confined to my post op bed!!
Get well very soon. Hope the painkillers work. I think someone on site swears by Ibroufen!!! :-)

//Thank God I can still do crosswords//

Damn!! :-)
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Thanks all for your concern it means a lot, next painter done due now.
Retro been thinking about you all day - all done and dusted? How do you feel?
every silver lining has a cloud Retro :-)

How are you feeling? Apart from being bored with the confinement (gawd, that sounds like you're pregnant !!) and lack of a crossword.
Right as ninepence. No pain. First in this am at 0917 and in recovery for an hour at 1130. Back to ward in time for dinner with two new stents
and some polyfilla around the join. Still have a few tubes in me but should be
gone tomorrow. Oxygen and saline. Hope to be home by Friday???
Thanks for your best wishes every one. :-)
Hope so, retro....the morphine always works wonders.....good luck getting some sleep tonight.....
Oh my goodness, hope you heal soon.
They would have to give me morphine if I Was unconscious first!!! Had it once and hated it. No sleep tonight methinks but boy will I catch up at home. :-)
Oh Dear Margo. Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight xxx Glad you're all done and dusted Retro xx
Sorry to hear this Margo, hope you feel better very soon.
Hope you heal very quickly and the pain goes off very soon. What a nuisance these things have to happen! Time will fly by and you'll look back on this and laugh about it. Oh how you'll laugh!.......
Sorry to hear about your accident Margo. I hope you heal soon.

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