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TWR | 20:10 Fri 03rd Jun 2016 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Hi all, our friends are away next week for 2 weeks, they have just had a phone call whilst I was there that their S.I.L was in a very bad way, it's a matter of Time, maybe tonight / tomorrow but very very close, Cancer, would their Insurance company reimburse their monies if the worst happen? I do understand he is not their son but S.I.L. your opinion would be appreciated.


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When my Mum was dying, my sister cancelled a holiday. Her insurance wouldn`t pay out. They need to read the small print in their policy or phone the insurance company
No two policies are the same. My travel insurance costs me just £17 per year (for unlimited trips within Europe for a guy in his 60s) and, even without going to the small print, I'd be amazed if such a basic-level policy covered the type of situation which you're referring to. However if I'd paid perhaps £80 for just a single-trip policy there might be a better chance of cover being provided. (Even so, paying more for travel insurance doesn't always get you much extra!).

So we're stuck with only being able to offer you the seemingly unhelpful advice of "read the policy" (or, of course, tell us which insurer is involved, so that we can find the details for you).
agree wid de pussy cat

short answer is no

er and BC but I wouldnt bother to read the policy
Question Author
Not sure of his / her Insurance Chico, they are very good friends of ours, so I thought I would just check.
From the Post Office Travel Insurance policy:

"A Close Relative who is not travelling with You, a travelling companion not insured by this policy, or the person You are intending to stay with, may have a Pre-existing Medical Condition. In some cases, if their state of health deteriorates greatly, You may want to cancel or curtail Your Trip.

Subject to all the other terms and conditions, such claims are covered if the person’s Medical Practitioner can confirm in writing that at the time You bought this policy, he/she would have seen no substantial likelihood of his/her patient’s condition deteriorating to such a degree that this would become necessary. If the Medical Practitioner will not confirm this, Your claim is not covered"

So, as far as Post Office Insurance are concerned, your friends WOULD be covered if their SIL's doctor would certify that he 'went downhill' far quicker than expected but they would NOT be covered if the doctor took the view that it's unsurprising that he's now nearing the end of his life (or, of course, if the doctor simply refused to have anything to do with the claim).

What is the most important to them?
They would be lucky. We all know the insurance co. get out of it if they can.
Buenchico - my Mum`s GP and the Oncology staff at the hospital where my Mum died documented that my Mum went downhill very quickly but the insurance still refused to pay out. There is no "one size fits all" as far as insurance is concerned.
Chris, would a Sister in law (which is what I assume SIL means) be a 'close' relative for the purpose of an insurance claim?
I think they may argue that it is not 'close enough' ?
SIL = son-in-law here, Eddie. (See the last sentence of the question).
>>> There is no "one size fits all" as far as insurance is concerned

Agreed. I was only giving an example as to how one company would see the position (and, even then, I have to accept that they might still seek a way to avoid paying out).
If it's a SIL then there has to be a brother or sister somewhere. Unless of course they are no longer around.

I think it all depends how close they are?

My Nan died on a Thursday and my uncle went on his booked holiday on the Sunday and they were extremely close. We just arranged the funeral for when he got back.

Although your friends case is currently different.

I am not completely sure of the exact circumstances here, but if I had a friend or relative that was seriously ill, I would immediately cancel my holiday, go to the bedside, and faff about trying to get compensation for my missed holiday later.

If the end is that close , the Sister may have passed before the holiday 'next week'. Then a funeral is normally 3 or 4 weeks later so the holiday will be over by then. I don't want to sound harsh but I can't see the insurance paying out.
We had to cancel holiday when OH developed cancer. Staysure would not reimburse us as they do not do cancellations even for illness.
I know this happened in 1997 but my Mum was dangerously ill in hospital on life support after two brain haemorrhages (she did recover) We were due to go to Antigua during that following week but doctors advised us not to go ..... it was a bit of a game as had to get two of her consultants, GP and her nurse to sign various documents but we did get all the money back from Co-op Travel insurance minus the small deposit. But as I said that was years ago ... and things have changed - not for the better!
My parents had a cruise booked and my uncle , their brother in law wasn't given much time .They cancelled , he did die , probably a day after and they were fortunate to be there with my mothers sister . The insurance company reimbursed fully furnished with a certificate from their GP . Surely no-one would be so hard hearted as to refuse in the circumstances ...

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