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Computer Query

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rsvp | 15:59 Tue 14th Jun 2016 | Technology
13 Answers
Ancient and not very bright technaphobe so bear with me please.
HP laptop - windows 10 - firefox
I can't seem to work out how to send attachments via email - I have 2 email accounts but use talk21 almost all of the time. Each time I try to attach anything I get a dialogue box saying please create an association etc etc
Have got as far as control panel>programmes>default programmes>set your default programmes>set this programme as which point I have a list of programmes on the left hand side and I don't know what to do after this. Do I just click on the email and calendar option , if so then what.
Thank you in advance and I know I'm a pain in the whatnot over computers but do really appreciate your help.
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I'd have thought it depended on the e-mail client you were using, but given the warning, I suspect it needs to know what executable opens the attachment in order to apply the right icon or some such nonsense.

Look at the file you are trying to attach in Explorer. Right click on it and choose 'open with'. When you select the right executable from the list tick the box "always use this app to open XXX files" and OK it.

That should set the association, so you can then try to attach it again.
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Thank you OG for the reply - I think I understand but if I could impose a little further before I do it........why does it have to be opened in Explorer and would I have to do this proceedure each time I attached, say. a file or photograph?
How do you manage your emails?

Do you go direct and view/send emails via talk21 email servers or do you use an email client on your pc like Live Mail, Outlook Express, Thunderbird or MS Office?
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OG and slackalice I think (only think!) I may have done it - have just noticed that when I begin a new email there is an option to 'insert' - I've just done that and sent the file I wanted to get over to a friend.
In the past I have opened the file/photo first and used the 'send to mail recipient' option.
Maybe all will be well. Many thanks but I may be back!!!!!!
When you have got a new email to send or to forward you will have an attachments icon on your email page, usually a paperclip that reads attachments if you hover the cursor over it. Now if you click on that you should have some options as to how you want to attach photos etc. It may not be a paperclip in talk 21 rsvp but look at all of them. Just select new in your inbox folder as if you are about to send an email.
Ah well done, you f it as I was typing up a reply. I had to have a little go myself because it just happens auto. LOL.
You'd not open it in Explorer, you'd find it in order to right click on it in Explorer. But if you've sorted it, then that's great.
That is found it not the naughty word.
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Thank you so much OG/slackA and togo - am really cuffed so will reward myself with a glass of red and drink your collective health for helping. Very grateful
//am really cuffed//

Ahh rsvp no need to beat yourself up about it.
I think your entitled to more than one celebratory drink, after all you did solve it yourself.

Not so 'ancient' methinks ☺☺☺
I'm about to join her Alice.
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Guess it's a party then - your place or mine? Sorry but I play Country & Western and have a particularly annoying collie dog but I do have cases and cases of wine.

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