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Ipad....loss Of All Mail...

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Lyminge | 06:43 Sun 10th Jul 2016 | Technology
2 Answers
Can anyone help?
Somehow I've lost all my mail..that's from inbox, sent, the lot!

I was deleting a thread and then realised everything had gone.

Thankfully I don't feel there was anything too important, but I had about 8 flagged so shall rely on memory about those.

But can anyone tell me how it happened?



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If you have lost all your mail from the app on the home screen it will probably still be in your account from the provider. If it is lost from the app use safari to access your email account by logging on to aol/hotmail/gmail etc whichever is your provider and it should be there.
Try deleting your mail account in settings and then reapplying. Works for me when the mail app is playing up.

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