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So, Has He Started To Put Pressure On Women To Cover Up?

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RATTER15 | 08:19 Thu 16th Jun 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
34 Answers
or is he genuinely concerned about unrealistic body image pressure?

Is this a Muslim thing?


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London transport is one of the few things within the mayor's remit; hence Ken's congestion charge and Boris's bikes. And there are regulations about what is and is not acceptable advertising on transport; they've been in place for decades if not centuries.
It has only just clicked that the worst bits of previous mayors were transport related then.
What's wrong with Boris Bikes? We have a similar scheme here now...

I can't comment on the congestion charge because I've never driven in London...
Cycling is a dangerous activity, going out on a flimsy person powered mechanical frame in traffic. Responsible authorities should be discouraging it not enabling it.
the authorities are discouraging lorry drivers from killing them, which is a start.

Can't see anything wrong with hirable bikes in principle (though of course Boris nicked the idea from the vélo libs in france)
Jno, //And there are regulations about what is and is not acceptable advertising on transport//

Don’t they come under the jurisdiction of the Advertising Standards Authority rather than one man?
He could influence what types of advertising appear on London Transport sites and vehicles.
Enlightenment! The Advertising Standards Agency has pronounced on this. From a population of 8.5 million, less than 400 complaints were received by the Advertising Standards Agency, who subsequently ruled this poster to be neither offensive nor irresponsible… but here’s the interesting bit:

//ignoring them [the Advertising Standards Agency], Khan has Transport For London establishing their own ad-watch group, governed by his tastes.//

Whoa!! There’s something very wrong here. This is a slippery slope.

(I’ll post this on the other thread too).

Well spotted, thanks. A message should be sent out to Londoners and the wider world that this Muslim-led agenda is unacceptable.

(repeat post)
... and I'll repeat my response to you from the other thread.

//Khandro, I think you'll find that many 'Londoners' do find this Muslim-led agenda acceptable. //
Gone quiet here.
-- answer removed --
Maybe it the very thin edge of a very long wedge to see how far he can go with personal agendas.
If he is successful then he can get a bit more courageous furthering his Muslim ambitions for London.

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