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My daughter is 24 and I was told by the health visitor to not potty train her. I was to the take the cue from her. She was potty trained within a week as soon as she started saying she needed a wee etc...

I was even more relaxed with my sons...

I have 3 kids who all know how to use a toilet, they wash their hands. they cook and clean, they all have jobs etc etc

So who gives two hoots what age they got out of nappies?
Easy to do that since disposable nappies came in. Washing nappies and getting them dry far harder
Mother claims her nappy leaked
My babes were potty trained in summer months, in the garden where they could see/comprehend their discharge.
Lovely to see them free of nappies outside in the summer. Used to often leave them nappy free on a rug on the lawn when they were tiny babies. Just in a vest. Not on their own of course!

But they had grubby reusable nappies on the washing line at home.
My favourite sight used to be a line of pristine white terry towelling nappies drying in the sun.

Who had grubby ones? They want talking about.
Mine werent grubby. They were pristine white, as were most peoples. A soak in a bucket with a nappy solution, then a hot wash and a washing line dry to soften them. At least they didn't prove to be the problem that the disposable ones are now causing
Horrible things, yuk!
I wouldn't even know how to put a terry nappy on a baby.

My eldest is 3 in 3 months and she still has an wee accident most days. she just forgets and lets a little bit out then runs to the potty. I certainly wouldn't take her out for the whole day without a pull-up on, just in case. I'm dreading the thought of getting her to use a big loo actually.

I think this kid just had a terry one on and it leaked.
Wow, 24 and still not potty trained !
I don't have a major problem with their style of parenting really.

But when they say they don't let their kids see a doctor then I lose all sympathy. The boy has already had one asthma attack, what if they don't get the kid to a hospital in time next time?
The medicine thing made me wonder.

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