Turned out to be a very beautiful afternoon yesterday...warm and sunny.
But we are back to our mist again this morning. I think I started a cold last night, as I am very snuffly and sneezy. I take loads of Vitamin C in times like this but I have run out, so off to the Co-op at 09:00 !
I like those big effervescent Vitamin C tablets, as big as those ones that you soak your teeth in over night. Linus Pauling, one of the few people to be awarded a Nobel prize twice, had a theory that Vitamin C was one of the great cure-alls around, and he recommended that you bombard your system with it, when you can feel a cold coming on.
Since I started taking Vitamin C every day, I get about one, or at the worst, two colds a year. But I am left with chesty catarrh for weeks afterwards, which is the devil to cure.
St Ives can get dreadfully crowded in high season, so you are definitely coming home on the right day. But its the simple pleasures that I like there, like sitting on the Pier, with one of those huge great Pasties and a cup of tea, watching the world go by.
( carefully protecting aforesaid Pasty against an attack by the worlds most evil seagulls, of course ! )
Thinking about the beach at St Ives fills me with terror. We lost my little girl on there for what seemed an age, many years ago, but was probably only a couple of minutes. The sheer panic and horror as we realised we couldn't see her still lives with me today.
We've visited a fair few lovely drinking establishments and there's been an abundance of live music.
Some old guy was playing his Violin the other night just down from the Seafood Café and I could have stood there and watched him all night!
A seagull skimmed the top of my head the other day in an attempt to swipe my other half's pasty!
I enjoyed watching a group of lads jumping off the harbour pier at high tide and as they all swam off you could see one of the seals following them, no doubt wanting to see what all the commotion was.