Not complaining but Maxie will not leave me out of his sight. Where I go he goes - I am in computer room and he is lying beside me. I'd rather he is outside a nice day like today.
Do you let your dog do what HE wants to do. I am going to put him outside shortly (for his own good). Then off to the park.
Thanks Tambo - there is no problem in putting him out but I look out at his wee face and he looks forlorn so I bring him in (my prob LOL) - he truly is so affectionate.
When inside on the settee - he gets up beside me - taps me on the arm for me to release/lift my arm to let him on my knees. Other affectionate quirks. Sorry for going on about him.
You can have a loan of him Bathy - he is so good - it is true - owning a dog has been the best thing I have ever done - for my nerves, depression, blood pressure and walks and fresh air. Just a loan mind you!!!
why would you rather he was outside? You don’t want to be outside so why should he? Of course I let my dogs choose where they want to be....and I would never shut them outside.
Don't make him go out if he doesn't want to jj. Why would he want to go and stand in the garden on his own, he'll be bored and lonely and will learn to hate the garden and not want to go there at all and you don't want that. He's happy with you, you're happy with him, there isn't a problem that I can see. Just take him out with you for a walk and he'll be pleased as can be;-))
He does have the rule of the roost - I have just settled in the computer room - guess where is now - I had left him in the living room - he is in his bed in my bedroom.