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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:46 Fri 23rd Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Friday. A wee bit cool outside this morning. Snowflake wasn't too keen on going out for a round the block stroll, neither was I come to that!

She goes home tomorrow. I shall miss the wee scamp.

Tiggy was out for his supper and straight back to tiggy towers. It won't be long until has his big sleep. Why don't we hibernate? :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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Patsy, if you do go to Poole, I can recommend The Angel, On the quayside. Mind you, I haven't been there for some years now, but it was very good.
Morning everyone! Well it's lovely and sunny here with a slight chill in the air. So far I've cleaned the microwave, the oven hob and washed down every single cupboard in the kitchen - all by 7.30 am. Had a mad cleaning fit!!
Cleaning on your birthday? Smowball take it easy. Unless this is your idea of pleasure!
Sounds pretty full. Will you miss Snowflake? Enjoy your lunch with friends and the wine! Sounds fun at the canal, of course you are involved with that sort of thing? My right foot keeps swelling after being on it for a while. I think it started from wearing a certain pair of shoes. Ice and painkillers does the trick. Think it's a bit better.
Grasscarp my birthdays tomorrow . Even I keep forgetting lol x
Lol wendi.
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Morning smow xxx and gc xxx

Yes, I'll miss the wee tyke, but I see her quite often.
Poota having a senior moment, so on my wee kindle for the time being.

Yes, I'm involved with the canal, I love it. :-)

How did you manage to damage said tootsie?

Are you sure Smow? Ann has you down for today and you have a thread on chat.
WBm, Metatarsalgia, according to sqad. I think he's right after looking it up. Think it was caused by a lot of walking climbing stairs, running around after my 19 month old granddaughter a couple of weeks ago. Plus certain footwear didn't help! Anyway, think it's calming a bit. Glad you enjoy your involvement with canals. Very pretty areas around these parts.
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I hope it does clear up quickly patsy.

Yes, it is lovely on the canal. Some lovely people too.
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Time to make a move. Have a happy day everyone.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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