The Km Links Game - September Week 4 And Final Results in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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The Km Links Game - September Week 4 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 02:18 Mon 26th Sep 2016 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers
Good morning everyone - well Monday has rolled around yet again and for once it doesn't look too bad out there and we seem to have survived the weekend's threatened floods and famine ....just floods, really !!

I'm a tiny bit miffed with Kate this morning after warning you all of the dangers of not reading the clues ....what does she go and do ....well you'll see ...

True Love !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Straw Berry
Bear Market
Rainbow Trout

So apologies to all who might have put True Love, given the clues, but this, added to the Bear Market, made nice fat scores rather hard to come by....however the final scores made for very nice reading !!

All will be revealed in the following post, but this rounds up the month and next week it will be all to play for yet again .....
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The BIG LEADER BOARD ....and I must congratulate this month's winner as he is a relative newcomer to the ranks but has shown us all how it can be done !!

18 points - Doof45

11 points - brizzer

10 points - cpfcrosie, Fibonacci, rockfordill & roslyn251254

9 points - jillywiskas, jollyroger66, owllady & seekeerz

8 points - baza, cupid04, elliemay1, & JJ109,

7 points - cannylad, Chiefpanda, cliffyg, iminoz, masterchef, murraymints, tearinghair & wickedtongue

6 points - Mrs E, Sam1960 & x-ray

5 points - Arksided. dannyk13, Jean G, HandbagLady, lysander, mamyalynne & tambourine.

4 points - BigMac, cgoody, devadiva, dickiedot, modeste, teacher1 & Toorak
3 points - Butterbun, eccles, Elspeth, kawakiri, Graeme & Phyl Prescott, RoseMaybud, -SharonA-, Shazza H, twix123, tonyav & sandwich

2 points - albaqwerty, Gill G, JRB & Chris H

1 point - AlwaysConfused, angler57, Aquagility, jobjockey, Lie-in King, MargoTester, Muzz, Patsy33, John & scorpiojo

So Congratulations to ALL the points scorers ...I hope you enjoyed the experience and will be back next time to have another crack at it !!

Best wishes to TEARINGHAIR .....I hope you're feeling much better, I did wonder at your past couple of entries, they weren't quite like you, but now explained ...doesn't seem to have affected your scoring but I don't suggest it as a long term scheme !! xx

Thats about it from me ....Monday chores beckon (not overly fond of Mondays, anyway) so stay safe and I'll see you all next time...Cheers, Steff

Please use this to vent any frustrations as you see fit .....
Thanks for keeping track of us all, Skz, and well done to Doof45.
....on to next month, a 5-weekender.
Good morning Skz and thanks - well another bumper week for me, I'm going from bad to worse! Ah well there's always next month.
Thank you Steph for all your hard work yet again and well done R - still neck and neck
Thanks Steff X
Thanks skrz, looks like I must try harder
Thanks Seeky.How long does it take you to sort out the points?
Thanks for all the effort Seekz, I'll keep bumbling along.x
Thanks skz .
Still got a very stiff neck and thinking even woollier than usual, but getting there gradually.
Thank you seekeerz :-)

Mamya, I'll keep bumbling along
I'm in such good company again.

Well done Doof45 and all the scorers this month. True Love Eh! come' on She's making them up as she goes along, such a romantic ;-)
Ta Seekz! One point for the month indeed, anyone'd think it was Fantasy Footy... ;-)
Thanks Seekz - do you need my address for the Silver Medal?! Never been so high on the leaderboard, but a mile behind Doof45 - well done!
Thanks seekeerz, I feel like the Villa three matches three points.
Thanks Steff and well done all the point scorers, although I did manage a couple of matches this week, but it's about time that Kate stops matching 'straw' with 'berry' it must be about six times in a row!
Thanks Seekeerz from me too. It's the most I've scored in yonks ;-)) xx

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The Km Links Game - September Week 4 And Final Results

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