suppose the bright side of Theresa May's "Brexit process to begin by the end of March" announcement is that when 31st March comes and goes and she *doesn't* trigger Article 50, she can get up the following morning and shout "April Fool!!!!!!"
I don't think it affects the tone of the post really. At any rate, if you really think I want Theresa May to jump up and down pointing at the 52% and laughing hysterically (before resigning) then you have another think coming.
I think you "may" be underestimating Mother Teresa. She is quietly oiling the wheels and selecting the gears required to drive the process foreward and signalling a start date. The Remainiacs are setting up a roadblock to halt or delay the juggernaut based on the timetable being waved for their benefit. Then she blind sides the malcontents by setting the process in motion earlier, say January.
If enough people said to you put you hand in the fire would you.So Mrs may must see it as a good move . me I don't care have not got enough money for it to make any real difference .